AMS takes mobility seriously. That's why we help you get back on the road quickly if you have any damage. Have you been hit by a car that is insured by Euro Insurances? We will repair your car and you can use a rental car free of charge. This service only applies if we accept full legal responsibility.
In case of damage, we repair the car free of charge and you can use a rental car. We can offer you this service because we work together with FOCWA certified damage repair companies. They take care of the entire damage repair process. This includes:
Picking up your car.
Free replacement transport.
The car is washed and returned.
AMS pays the invoice. It is not necessary to pay in advance.
Interested? Send us an e-mail. Would you rather call us? That' s possible too. You can call us on +31(0)36-5270623
Are you not using the mentioned service, and you need a replacement car while your car is being repaired? Then you can make use of a temporary car. Does AMS accept liability? Then we will compensate the rental costs as follows:
We pay a maximum of 80%.
The rental car must be comparable to your own car.
Based on the expert report, we decide whether the number of days you had to make use of a rental car is reasonable, in relation to the duration of the damage repair.